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Counting only calories is not the key to fat loss after 30


As we step into our 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond, it’s time to rethink the pure calorie counting approach.

Nutrition in midlife isn’t about rigid calorie counting. Instead, it's about understanding the fundamentals of nutrition and developing a mindful relationship with food. 

A sole focus on calories ignores the quality factor of food. Plenty of high-calorie foods are incredibly nutrient-dense and absolutely worth eating (like nuts, avocados, or salmon), but from a calorie perspective, many processed foods appear better simply because they are “low calorie.” But they are normally processed junk!


Removing the word “diet” from your nutrition approach is going to be your best option… WHY ? Because anyone that goes on a diet or counts calories for weeks and weeks fails because you are going 'on' or 'off' something – it’s not sustainable.

Simply start making healthy habits each day and be consistent – simple and consistent action means results.


1. Create a sustainable lifestyle approach that suits you and your family. I follow the 80 /20 rule …80% wholesome food and 20% I live a little and indulge in the occasional chocolate, eating out etc.

2. Remove any stress to reduce emotional eating.

3. Consider other options for managing stress. Breathing techniques, 5 minutes of meditation, going for a quick walk around the block. 

4. Go for easy nutritious meals that the whole family can eat.

5. Choose food that is delicious and filling – aim for 15% more protein in your meals

6. Try to move everyday – energise yourself (start with just 10 mins) trust me, you will want to eat better when you move more.

7. Get support – if you can’t do this alone. Join my programme where myself and some other fabulous women are here to share the load.

Instead of joining a fad diet, please ask yourself "What is going to be sustainable around my life?" – what can you be CONSISTENT with for your lifetime. Calorie counting initially works to give you an idea of what you're eating and to help you drop some kg/pounds but it is not sustainable to continue it, as most people just don’t have the time.

P.S. Ready to implement what you’re learning? Book a call with me.